VHS for democracy

Volkshochschulen sind und bleiben Orte der Demokratie!

Volkshochschulen are places of democracy

There are currently protests across Germany against far-right efforts after the Correctiv editorial team has uncovered plans for mass deportation. Adult education centers are also committed to diversity and tolerance and offer no space for anti-democratic and extremist ideologies.

Adult education centers always claim to be places of living democracy. They promote democratic values and encourage self-determination and responsible citizenship. Openness and inclusion are fundamental principles of her work, which welcome people of all backgrounds and convictions.

“The idea of adult education centers is always also an idea that is committed not only to personal education. It has a larger context: the formation, education and maintenance of a democratic society. ”
(DVV President Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in her speech at the “100 Years of vhs” ceremony in February 2019)

As platforms for dialogue and discussion of social issues, adult education centers contribute to strengthening cohesion. Their offerings range from political and cultural education to language courses that contribute to actively living diversity.

“We adult education centers are children of democracy! And kids defend their parents. ”

(Dr. Ernst Dieter Rossmann, chairman of the VHS regional association Schleswig-Holstein and former DVV chairman at the “100 Years of VHS” ceremony at St. Paul's Church in Frankfurt in February 2019)